IBAB board members and support staff will work to build a greater presence for Pennsylvania in a global marketplace.
Pennsylvania took major strides to strengthen its presence in a global economy with the launch of the International Business Advisory Board (IBAB).
Administered by Team Pennsylvania Foundation, the board was created to lend private sector thought and expertise to the state?s international business development programs. IBAB is a public/private partnership with the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), its Office of International Business Development (OIBD) and Team PA.
DCED Secretary C. Alan Walker said the board will help OIBD build upon its $3.05 billion impact in capital investment and export sales over the last six years.
?Pennsylvania?s increasing global opportunities are demonstrated by the growth in exports, which have doubled from four percent to eight percent of our economy within the past eight years,? Walker told the board at its first meeting. ?Furthermore, recent figures show Pennsylvania exported $34.8 billion of goods in 2010, which is 22.7 percent more than in 2009.?
Walker added the state is only ?scratching the surface? in the potential growth in its export markets.
?There is a tremendous opportunity for even greater export growth in the future, but the key to fully capitalizing on this opportunity will hinge on our ability to educate and assist Pennsylvania companies,? Walker added.
DCED Secretary C. Alan Walker discusses the purpose of the International Business Advisory Board (IBAB) at the group?s inaugural meeting.
Team PA President and CEO Matt Zieger said IBAB consists of 20 members from a diverse cross-section of Pennsylvania businesses, universities and service providers with experience in international business.
?Board leaders have been tasked with formulating and driving strategy to make the most impact for OIBD?s trade, investment, and port programs that are vital to strengthen Pennsylvania?s position as a leader in the international arena,? said Zieger. ?We?re honored to oversee this program on behalf of DCED and OIBD as we partner to open new doors to international markets for PA-based companies and raise even greater awareness with foreign companies that Pennsylvania is a great place to do business.?
One board function will be to judge applications for the Team PA-funded Small Business Scholarship program.
This program will provide financial assistance to two small companies looking to participate in the next governor-led Jobs First mission, which was announced today. Governor Corbett will lead a delegation of Pennsylvania businesses, economic development and tourism partners and education officials to Brazil and Chile in April 2013.
?Brazil and Chile are two of the world?s fastest growing economies and we have seen a growing interest in the market from Pennsylvania companies,? said Corbett. ?Strengthening our trade relationship with these countries will lead to new business growth and jobs for Pennsylvanians.?
At the IBAB meeting, Secretary Walker provided a recap of the many accomplishments from Governor Corbett?s first business development mission earlier this year to France and Germany, which was also funded by Team PA.
?Governor Corbett said on our first day there, ?If you want new customers, go meet them?,? Walker said in referencing the purpose of the first foreign business development mission by the commonwealth in nearly 10 years. ?And meet we did. We travelled over 1,000 miles over six days, conducting over 45 meetings with various companies in France and Germany.?
As a result of that mission, the state anticipates nearly 600 new jobs from foreign direct investment and $1.25 million in foreign export sales.
?Let me tell you trade missions are an efficient way to expand your business. When you travel with the governor of Pennsylvania, you have a lot of doors opened to you that you would not have access to as a private citizen,? Walker told the board.
The first IBAB meeting included an OIBD program update and an overview of the missions of OIBD?s Center for Direct Investment, Center for Trade Development and Center for Port Development.
The next IBAB meeting is scheduled for March 2013 and will center on an analysis of the commonwealth?s existing international markets and focus on ways to strategically expand Pennsylvania?s presence in a global marketplace.
The IBAB board members are:
C. Alan Walker, Secretary, Department of Community & Economic Development
Secretary Walker brings over 30 years of experience in the private sector as President and CEO of Bradford Energy Company, Inc. to his role as Secretary of the commonwealth?s lead community and economic development agency.
Wilfred H. Muskens, Deputy Secretary, Office of International Business Development
Wilfred leads a team of professional international economic development specialists that contribute to the growth and strength of the commonwealth by providing value-added international trade, investment, and port services.
Dave Fung, Manager, Strategic Planning, Air Products, Allentown
With operations in more than 50 countries, Air Products supplies a diverse portfolio of atmospheric, process, and specialty gases as well as performance materials, equipment, and services. Their customer base falls across a wide array of industries, including food, healthcare, energy, and transportation.
Bruce Heugel, Senior VP and CFO, B. Braun Medical, Bethlehem
B. Braun Medical is a leader in the field of medical device manufacturers, with emphasis throughout their four divisions on patient safety and preventable errors. This German-based company located their US corporate headquarters in Bethlehem and maintains a manufacturing facility in Allentown.
Tim McNulty, VP of Government Affairs, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is an internationally recognized institution of higher education and is considered one of the top global research and entrepreneurial focused universities in the country.
Dr. Julie Mostov, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Drexel University, Philadelphia
Located in the heart of downtown Philadelphia, Drexel University continues to be ranked among the top 100 universities in the nation and is often highlighted for being one of the largest, private universities in the country.
Dr. Sangwhui Cho, President, Hyundai-Rotem USA, Philadelphia
As part of the Korean-based Hyundai Motor Group, Hyundai-Rotem of Philadelphia manufactures railway vehicles, industrial machinery, defense transportation, and specialized equipment.
John Pullo, Vice President of Ground Systems, Gentex Corporation, Simpson
Gentex is an innovative, high-technology focused defense equipment and system designer, supplier, and manufacturer located in Northeastern PA.
Tim Williams, Vice President, Greenville Neuromodulation Services, Greenville
Filling a gap in the neuroscience industry, Greenville Neuromodulation offers services for patients and medical professionals focused on the treatment of movement disorders. In additional to global technical support, their team has designs and manufactures specialized neurosurgical tools.
Harry Edelman, Executive Vice President, Heyl and Patterson, Pittsburgh
Heyl and Patterson is an engineering company specialized in large equipment, bulk material handling, and thermal processing equipment for the chemical, steel, biomass, energy, port, and mining industries. They also provide consulting and field services, as well as lab services for testing and analytics.
Richard Somiari, President, ITSI-Biosciences, Johnstown
Integrated Technologies & Services International (ITSI) is a professional service organization dedicated to providing integrated technological, bio-analytical and high throughput research services to the global community.
TBD, Kennametal Inc., Latrobe
Kennametal has engineered innovative metal-cutting products and techniques for more than 70 years using complex metallurgy and materials science in tungsten carbide, ceramics, high-speed steels and other materials.
Rich Conti, President, Matson Lumber Company, Brookville
This 9th generation family owned hardwood lumber company currently operates three facilities in Northwestern PA and exports products to approximately 28 different countries.
William (Bill) Pote, President & CEO, MegaPhase, Stroudsburg
MegaPhase designs, manufactures and sells coaxial cable assemblies to OEMs building advanced microwave and optical electronic systems.
Lou Dejoie, Chair, International Law Group, McNees Wallace & Nurick
With more than 130 attorneys practicing in the areas of business law and litigation, McNees Wallace & Nurick uses their successful clients first approach to provide quality service through six regional offices.
Clark Stapelfeld, Director of International Business, New Pig Corp., Tipton
With a large offering of inventive products, New Pig Corp. designs and manufactures products to absorb, contain, and clean up splatters and spills of all kinds.
Sean Mahoney, Director of Marketing, Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, Philadelphia
The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (PRPA) is a state agency that owns and leases terminals to private operators. In addition, they offer maintenance, marketing, and other related services.
Eileen Melvin, President & CEO, UMF Medical, Johnstown
In addition to manufacturing high-quality medical exam tables and equipment and offering Exam Room Solutions, UMF Medical offers world class support and service with patients and providers in mind.
Kevin Frank, President & CEO, Voith, York
Voith is an international leader in the energy, raw material, and automotive industries. Founded in 1867, Voith employs more than 40,000 people, operates in 50 countries, and is one of the largest family-owned companies in Europe.
Greg Booth, CEO, Zippo Manufacturing Company, Bradford
Zippo Manufacturing Company is the maker of the iconic Zippo lighter. The Bradford-based company was founded in 1932 and is still owned by descendants of Zippo lighter investor George G. Blaisdell. Recently, the company celebrated the manufacture of their 500 millionth lighter.
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IBAB board members and support staff will work to build a greater presence for Pennsylvania in a global marketplace.
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